Monday, June 14, 2010

More job hunting...

I think I went to the wrong school. I was one of those people that couldn't afford an education. When I graduated High School, I started at the local community college, but lost interest after 2 quarters, and dropped out. After a couple years of not making anything resembling money, I went back to school, and basically got straight A's until graduation with my Associates. I was able to secure a job at Hewlett-Packard, and I thought I was done.

After several years at HP, I found that I really needed my Bachelor's degree to get along further in my career. I went to Regis University because they allowed people to go once a week for 8 weeks to finish a class. There was a ton of homework, but for people who work, the accelerated program really worked well. The problem was, there were no internships since you were supposed to be in a career already.

Well, 3 classes shy of my degree, I was laid off. Boom, no more job. I was able to get a Software Quality Assurance job and finish school, but since I didn't have an internship I had no way of breaking into a programming job. With no experience comes no position, even with schooling. The viscous cycle continues.

I've been trying to break into a junior level development job for 6 years now, and I'm starting to lose hope. I moved to Florida in hopes of starting anew with new companies, thinking my 13 years at HP would make a difference. It doesn't.

Life has really been a downer.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Interviewing and waiting

I've had two interviews this week. Hopefully one will turn into employment. The bummer about interviewing is then it's a waiting game while they decide about you. It makes me feel pretty defeated after awhile. I've had several interviews in central Florida, but no takers. Hopefully that changes soon.

We also just had our dog neutered. They used staples to hold it all together, so we have to keep an eye on him so he doesn't tear anything up. That means no theme park time for us for awhile. I'm starting to get shaky while waiting!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More job woes

Ok, eventually one of these people calling from a temp agency will see that just because I haven't done exactly the exact thing they're looking for doesn't mean I can't. Doesn't anyone believe that people have brains anymore? I mean really, people, I'm pretty sure I can figure out how to do simple SQL commands while doing some QA testing. Grrr!

Also, June marks when Florida becomes HOT. As in Africa hot. Geez, it's hot out there. 91 degrees with a billion percent humidity. Bleh!

Maybe I'll be working soon?